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Филтри: First Letter Of Title is M [Отмени всички филтри]
Maximus Confessor. Patrologia Graeca. Том 90. (Patrologia Graeca).
. 1865. Munimenta academica, or Documents illustrative of academical Life and Studies at Oxford. Rerum britannicarum medii aevi scriptores. (Rerum Britannicarum Medii Aevi Scriptores). London: Longmans, Green, Reader, and Dyer.
. 1868. The Martyrdom and Miracles of Saint George of Cappadocia. The Copitic Texts. Edited with an English Translation. Oriental Text Series. (Oriental Text Series). London.
. 1888. Martyrium der XLII Märtyrer zu Amorium. Archiv für slavische Philologie 18. (Archiv Für Slavische Philologie). 190-192.
. 1896. Martyrium des Kodratus. Archiv für slavische Philologie 18. (Archiv Für Slavische Philologie). 172–182.
. 1896. Martyrium des St. Dometius. Archiv für slavische Philologie 21. (Archiv Für Slavische Philologie). 44–49.
. 1899. Main Currents in Nineteenth-Century Literature. . Том 1. London: William Heinemann.
. 1906. Manuel de critique verbale apliquée aux textes latins. Paris: Librairie Hachette.
. 1911. . 1928.
The Medieval Reader and Textual Criticism. Bulletin of the John Rylands Library 26. (Bulletin Of The John Rylands Library). 49–56.
. 1941. Medieval Texts and Their First Appearance in Print. Bibliographical Society Transactions. Supplement. (Bibliographical Society Transactions. Supplement). London: Biblio & Tannen Publishers.
. 1943. Mimesis. Dargestellte Wirklichkeit in der abendländischen Literatur. Bern: A. Francke.
. 1946. . 1952.
The Master of Egerton 1070 : Hours of Rene d’Anjou. Scriptorium 8. (Scriptorium). 272–282.
. 1954. Marco Polo. La description du monde. . Paris: Klicksieck.
. 1955. Myth or legend?. London: Bell and Sons.
. 1956. Manuscrise slave cu traduceri din Sfântul Simeon Noul Teolog. Ortodoxia. Revista Patriarhiei Române 11(4). (Ortodoxia. Revista Patriarhiei Române).
. 1959. Manuscrisele slave din biblioteca academiei RPR. . Том 1. Bucureşti.
. 1959. . 1959.
Medieval French Miniatures. Nеw York: H. N. Abrams.
. 1960. Manuscrits datés conservés dans les Pays-Bas. Amsterdam: North-Holand Publishing Company.
. 1964. Maximus Confessor. Patrologia Graeca. Том 91. (Patrologia Graeca).
. 1965. Methodius' Canon to Demetrius of Thessalonica and the Old Slavonic Hirmoi. В , Sbornik praci filosofské fakulty Brněnské university, 14. Rada umìnovìdná, vol. 9, 115–121. (Sbornik Praci Filosofské Fakulty Brněnské University, 14. Rada Umìnovìdná). Brno.
. 1965.