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Филтри: First Letter Of Title is M  [Отмени всички филтри]
Pavlikianov, Cyril, авт . 2001. The Miracles of the Archangels in the Athonite Monastery of Docheiariou – a Diplomatic Edition of the Greek and Slavic Text. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 25. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 86–104.
Rockley, Ann, Pamela Kostur & Steve Manning, авт-ри . 2002. Managing Enterprise Content: A Unified Content Strategy. Voices That Matters Series. 1st изд. (Voices That Matters Series). Boston: New Riders.
Barié, Paul, авт . 2004. Martial: Gespiegelte Wirklichkeit im römischen Epigramm. Exemplarische Reihe Literatur und Philosophie. (Exemplarische Reihe Literatur Und Philosophie). Sonnenberg: Annweiler am Trifels.
Originally Published in Saints’ Lives in Middle English Collections. Kalamazoo, Michigan: Medieval Institute Publications, 2004
Thiermeyer, Abraham & M. Baguine, авт-ри . 2004. Meterikon: Die Weisheit der Wüstenmütter. Augsburg: Sankt Ulrich .
Burgmann, Ludwig, авт . 2005. Mittelalterliche Übersetzungen byzantinischer Rechtsliteratur. В , Antike Rechtsgeschichte. Einheit und Vielfalt, 43–66. (Antike Rechtsgeschichte. Einheit Und Vielfalt). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Burgman, L, авт . 2005. Mittelalterliche Übersetzungen byzantinischer Rechtsliteratur. В , Antike Rechtsgeschichte. Einheit und Vielfalt, 43–66. (Antike Rechtsgeschichte. Einheit Und Vielfalt). Wien.
Bitton-Ashkelony, B. & A. Kofsky, авт-ри . 2006. The monastic school of Gaza. Supplement to Vigiliae Christianae. Том 78. (Supplement To Vigiliae Christianae). Leiden–Boston.
Nikolov, A, авт . 2007. Mediaeval Slavonic Anti-Catholic Texts from the Manuscript Collection of the Romanian Academy. В , Europe College Regional Program 2003-2004, 2004-2005, 261-290. (Europe College Regional Program 2003-2004, 2004-2005). Bucharest.
Allan, Kathryn, авт . 2009. Metaphor and Metonymy: A Diachronic Approach. Publications of the Philological Society. (Publications Of The Philological Society). Wiley-Blackwell.
Христова-Шомова, Искра, авт . 2009. Mедиевистът в зряла възраст – Красимир Станчев на 60 години. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 33. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 68–77.
Tan, Ning, Gaëlle Ferré, Marion Tellier, Edlira Cela, Mary-Annick Morel, Jean-Claude Martin & Philippe Blache, авт-ри . 2010. Multi-level Annotations of Nonverbal Behaviors in French Spontaneous Conversations. International Conference for Language Resources and Evaluation (2010). (International Conference For Language Resources And Evaluation (2010). Luxembourg: European Language Resources Association. http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/48/88/32/PDF/Tan_et_al._LREC_2010.pdf.
Schmidt, Thomas, Kjell Elenius & Paul Trilsbeek, авт-ри . 2010. Multimedia Corpora (Media encoding and annotation). Interoperability and Standards : CLARIN-D5C-3. Ed.: Erhard Hinrichs, Iris Vogel. CLARIN - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure. 2010. (Interoperability And Standards : Clarin-D5C-3. Ed.: Erhard Hinrichs, Iris Vogel. Clarin - Common Language Resources And Technology Infrastructure. 2010.). http://www.yumpu.com/en/document/view/6590159/multimedia-corpora-media-encoding-and-annotation.
Draft submitted to CLARIN WG 5.7. as input to CLARIN deliverable D5.C3 “Interoperability and Standards”
Szulc, Arleta, авт . 2011. Mentalization and Explication in South Church Slavonic Redactions of the Psalter. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 35. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 48–58.
Thomson, Francis J, авт . 2014. The mediaeval Slav reception of the works of Symeon the New Theologian. В , Philology broad and deep : In memoriam Horace G. Lunt , 265-308. (Philology Broad And Deep : In Memoriam Horace G. Lunt ). Bloomington: Slavica Pubisshers.