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Masculine and feminine speech in dyads and groups : A study of speech style and gender salience. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 4. (Journal Of Language And Social Psychology). 99–112.
. 1985. Medieval Slavic and Patristic Eulogies. Firenze: Sansoni.
. 1982. Methods Grab in der Kathedrale von Morava. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 6. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 28–33.
. 1982. Maximos Holobolos in der kirchenslavischen homiletischen Literatur. Wiener byzantinistische Studien. Том 14. (Wiener Byzantinistische Studien).
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. 1981. Methods of Reference in Cassiodorus. Journal of Library History 16. (Journal Of Library History). 71–91.
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Memory, Thought, and Behavior. Oxford University Press.
. 1980. Moment to Moment Control of Eye Saccades as a Function of Textual Parameters in Reading. В , Processing Visible Language, vol. 1, 49–60. (Processing Visible Language). Springer.
. 1979. Medieval Heresy : Popular Movements from Bogomil to Hus. New York: Holmes & Meier.
. 1977. Minuskel und Auszeichnungsschriften im 10.-12. Jahrhundert. В , La paleographie greque et byzantine. Paris 21-25 October 1974, 201-220. (La Paleographie Greque Et Byzantine. Paris 21-25 October 1974). Paris.
. 1977. Models and Patterns in the Literary Tradition of Medieval Orthodox Slavdom. В , American Contributions to the Seventh International Congress of Slavists, Warsaw, August 21-27, 1973, vol. 2, 439-467. (American Contributions To The Seventh International Congress Of Slavists, Warsaw, August 21-27, 1973). The Hague – Paris.
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Mündliche und schriftliche Tradition im Mittelmeerraum. В , Bericht über den neunten internationalen musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress Salzburg, vol. 2, 124–128. (Bericht Über Den Neunten Internationalen Musikwissenschaftlichen Kongress Salzburg). Kessel: Bärenreiter Verlag.
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. 1965. Methodius' Canon to Demetrius of Thessalonica and the Old Slavonic Hirmoi. В , Sbornik praci filosofské fakulty Brněnské university, 14. Rada umìnovìdná, vol. 9, 115–121. (Sbornik Praci Filosofské Fakulty Brněnské University, 14. Rada Umìnovìdná). Brno.
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