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Intertextuality, allusion, and quotation. An international bibliography of critical studies

ЗаглавиеIntertextuality, allusion, and quotation. An international bibliography of critical studies
Вид публикацияBook
Година на публикуване1989
Редактор на сериятаHebel, UJ
ГрадNew York - London

This bibliography offers a compilation of more than 2000 critical studies that deal not only with the relatively new concept of intertextuality and its predominantly poststructuralist implications, but also with the time-honored concepts of allusion and quotation, which have seen a remarkable renaissance in the wake of intertextual enthusiasm. The first comprehensive work of its kind, this volume goes beyond earlier references, both in scope and quantity, to document scholarly achievements in intertextual research and to serve as a guide to previously unexplored topics. In following such scholars as Gerard Genette, Julia Kristeva, and Wolf Schmid, who consider allusion and quotation prominent manifestations of intertextuality to be perceived by the reader on the text's surface, Hebel maintains that research in these two concepts can be integrated into the more radical and far-reaching theory of intertextuality, and that the yet unsolved question of where to draw a distinct line between them deserves further analysis. The book is organized in three parts: the extensive introduction surveys the heterogeneous field of intertextual studies, provides a first insight into the history and development of the critical concepts under examination, and points to important theoretical sources and exemplary analyses of individual writers or specific aspects.

Код за цитиранеHebel1989