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Експортирай 167 резултата:
Автор Заглавие Тип [ Година(Desc)]
Филтри: First Letter Of Last Name is G  [Отмени всички филтри]
Vitruvius, Pollio, авт . 1962. On Architecture. (ред)Frank Granger. The Loeb classical library. [Latin authors]. (The Loeb Classical Library. [Latin Authors]). London, Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press/William Heinemann.
Gernet, Jacques, авт . 1963. La Chine : Aspects and fonctions psychologiques de l’écriture. В , L’écriture et la psychologie des peuples, Centre inernational de synthèse – XXII semaine de synthèse, 35–38. (L’Écriture Et La Psychologie Des Peuples, Centre Inernational De Synthèse – Xxii Semaine De Synthèse). Paris: Armand Colin.
Georgiev, Vladimir, авт . 1965. Das hethitisch-luwische Deminutivsuffix –ant-. Archiv Orientáln{í 33. (Archiv Orientáln{Í). 175 – 182.
Cassianus, Joannes, авт . 1965. Institutions cénobitiques. (ред)Jean-Claude Guy. Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
Gilles, Henri, авт . 1966. La vie et les oeuvres de Gilles Bellemère. Bibliothèque de l’École des chartes 124. (Bibliothèque De L’École Des Chartes). 30–136 ; 382–451.
Gouillard, J., авт . 1967. Le synodikon de l’ orthodoxie: édition et commentaire. Travaux et mémories 2. (Travaux Et Mémories). 1–316.
Giarratano, Caesar (ред).. 1967. Q. Asconii Pediani Commentarii. (ред)Caesar Giarratano. 2nd изд. Amsterdam: Adolf M. Hakkert.
Galletier, Edouard & Jacques Fontaine (ред-ри).. 1968. Ammianus Marcellinus : Histoire. (ред-ри)Edouard Galletier & Fontaine, Jacques. . Том 1. Paris: Les Belles-Lettres.
Goldberg, Philip, авт . 1968. Are women prejudiced against women?. Trans-action 5. (Trans-Action). 28 – 30.
April 1968
Gruijs, Albert, авт . 1972. Codicology or the Archeology of the Book? A False Dilemma. Quaerendo 2. (Quaerendo). 87-108.
Рецензия вж. [ibib]Derolez1973[/ibib]
Geertz, Clifford, авт . 1973. Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture. В , The interpretation of cultures: selected essays, 3-30. (The Interpretation Of Cultures: Selected Essays). New York: Basic Books. http://www.sociosite.net/topics/texts/Geertz_Thick_Description.php.
Georgiev, Emil, авт . 1977. Die slavischen Aufklärer Konstantin-Kyrill und Method und die bulgarischen Slaven. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 1. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 7–13.
Bourhis, Richard Y & Howard Giles, авт-ри . 1977. The language of intergroup distinctiveness. В , Language, Ethnicity and Intergroup Relations, 119–135. (Language, Ethnicity And Intergroup Relations). London: Academic Press.
Bourhis, Richard Y & Howard Giles, авт-ри . 1977. The language of intergroup distinctiveness. В , Language, Ethnicity and Intergroup Relations, 119–135. (Language, Ethnicity And Intergroup Relations). London: Academic Press.
Georgiev, Emil, авт . 1978. Conférence slaviste à Rome.. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 2. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 100.
Georgiev, Pavel, авт . 1978. Eine zweisprachige Grabinschrift aus Pliska. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 2(3). (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 32–43.
Clark, E. V, авт . 1978. From gesture to word: on the natural history of deixis in language acquisition. В , Human growth and development, 85–120. (Human Growth And Development). London: Oxford University Press.
Bhat, D. N, авт . 1978. A General Study of Palatalization. В , Universals of Human Language, vol. 2. Phonology, 47–92. (Universals Of Human Language). Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.