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Филтри: First Letter Of Last Name is B  [Отмени всички филтри]
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 
А Б В Г Д Е Ж З И Й К Л М Н О П Р С Т У Ф Х Ц Ч Ш Щ Ю Я 
Thiermeyer, Abraham & M. Baguine, авт-ри . 2004. Meterikon: Die Weisheit der Wüstenmütter. Augsburg: Sankt Ulrich .
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Hess, Ursula, Pierre Philippot & Sylvie Blairy, авт-ри . 1999. Mimicry: Fact and fiction. В , The Social Context of Nonverbal Behavior, 213–241. (The Social Context Of Nonverbal Behavior). New York: Cambridge University Press.
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Burgman, L, авт . 2005. Mittelalterliche Übersetzungen byzantinischer Rechtsliteratur. В , Antike Rechtsgeschichte. Einheit und Vielfalt, 43–66. (Antike Rechtsgeschichte. Einheit Und Vielfalt). Wien.
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Boba, Imre, авт . 1981. The Monastery of Sázava: Methodian Continuity North of the Danube?. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 5. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 84–87.
Bitton-Ashkelony, B. & A. Kofsky, авт-ри . 2006. The monastic school of Gaza. Supplement to Vigiliae Christianae. Том 78. (Supplement To Vigiliae Christianae). Leiden–Boston.
Tan, Ning, Gaëlle Ferré, Marion Tellier, Edlira Cela, Mary-Annick Morel, Jean-Claude Martin & Philippe Blache, авт-ри . 2010. Multi-level Annotations of Nonverbal Behaviors in French Spontaneous Conversations. International Conference for Language Resources and Evaluation (2010). (International Conference For Language Resources And Evaluation (2010). Luxembourg: European Language Resources Association. http://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/docs/00/48/88/32/PDF/Tan_et_al._LREC_2010.pdf.
Barns, J., авт . 1951. A New Gnomologium: With Some Remarks on Gnomic Anthologies. II. The Classical Quarterly 45. (The Classical Quarterly ). 1–19.
Dimitrova, Margaret, авт . 2013. New Testament Quotations in a Medieval Slavonic Manuscript with Commentaries on the Song of Songs. В , Between Text and Text. The Hermeneutics of Intertextuality in Ancient Cultures and Their Afterlife in Medieval and Modern Times, 203–215. (Between Text And Text. The Hermeneutics Of Intertextuality In Ancient Cultures And Their Afterlife In Medieval And Modern Times). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Burgmann, Ludwig & Spyros Troianos, авт-ри . 1979. Nomos Mosaïcos. В , Fontes Minores, vol. 3, 126-167. (Fontes Minores). Frankfurt am Main.
Burns, Ivonne, авт . 1977. The Numbering of the Johannine Saturdays and Sandays in Earlу Greek and Slavonic Gopel Lectionaries. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 1. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 43–55.
Deevy, Patricia L, авт . 1995. An optimality theoretic analysis of stress in Macedonian. В , Papers in Optimality Theory, 137–166. (Papers In Optimality Theory). Amherst, {MA}: {GLSA} Publications.
Bischoff, Bernhard, авт . 1986. Paläographie des römischen Altertums und des abendländischen Mittelalters. Grundlagen der Germanistik. (Grundlagen Der Germanistik). Berlin: Erich Schmidt.
Bogdan, Damian P, авт . 1978. Paleografia româno-slavă : tratat și album. Bucuresti: Directia generala a arhivelor statului din Republica Socialista Romania.
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Includes the Greek and the Bulgarian text together with the German translation.
Bd. 1–4 (Text). Hrsg. von G. Bojkovsky (Bd. 1–4) und R. Aitzetmüller (Bd. 2–4). Bd. 5 (Index)Monumenta linguae slavicae dialecti veteris. Fontes et dissertationes. ХХ, XXII [XX, 2], XXIV [XX, 3], XXVII [XX, 4], XXVIII [XX, 5
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Deutsch, Werner, A. Wagner, R. Burchardt, N. Schultz & J. Nakath, авт-ри . 2001. Person in singletons, siblings, and twins. В , Language acquisition and conceptual development, 284–315. (Language Acquisition And Conceptual Development). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.