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Филтри: First Letter Of Last Name is C  [Отмени всички филтри]
Marichal, Robert, авт . 1963. L’écriture latine et la civilisation occidentale du I au XVI siècle. В , L’écriture et la psychologie des peuples, 204–214. (L’Écriture Et La Psychologie Des Peuples). Paris: Librairie Armand Colin.
Cassianus, Joannes, авт . 1965. Institutions cénobitiques. (ред)Jean-Claude Guy. Paris: Éditions du Cerf.
Confessor, Maximus, авт . 1965. Maximus Confessor. Patrologia Graeca. Том 91. (Patrologia Graeca).
Chaytor, Henry John, авт . 1967. From Script to Print : An Introduction to Medieval Vernacular Literature. 2nd ednd изд. New York: October House Inc.
Constable, Giles (ред).. 1967. The Letters of Peter the Venerable. (ред)Giles Constable. . Том 2. Cambridge, Mass: Princeton University Press.
Chadwick, H., авт . 1969. Florilegium. В , Reallexikon für Antike und Christentum, vol. 7, Coll.1131-1160. (Reallexikon Für Antike Und Christentum). Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann Verlag.
Constable, Giles, авт . 1971. The Popularity of Twelfth Century Spiritual Writers in the Late Middle Ages. В , Renaissance Studies in Honor of Hans Baron, 5–28. (Renaissance Studies In Honor Of Hans Baron). DeKalb: Northern Illinois University Press.
Ekman, P, авт . 1972. Universals and cultural differences in facial expressions of emotion. В , Nebraska Symposium on Motivation 1971. (Nebraska Symposium On Motivation 1971). Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press.
Cavallo, Guglielmo, авт . 1977. Funzione e srutture della maiuskula greca tra i secoli VIII-IX. В , La paleographie greque et byzantine. Paris 21-25 Octobre 1974. (La Paleographie Greque Et Byzantine. Paris 21-25 Octobre 1974). Paris: C.N.R.S.
Clark, E. V, авт . 1978. From gesture to word: on the natural history of deixis in language acquisition. В , Human growth and development, 85–120. (Human Growth And Development). London: Oxford University Press.
Giles, Howard & Philip Smith, авт-ри . 1979. Accommodation theory : Optimal levels of convergence. В , Language and Social Psychology, 45–65. (Language And Social Psychology). Oxford: Blackwell.
Curley, Michael J, авт . 1979. Physiologus: A Medieval Book of Nature Lore. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.
Cvetkova, Bistra, авт . 1979. Problèmes de la nationalité bulgare pendant les {XVe–XVIIe} s.. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 3. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 13–25.
Bourhis, Richard Y, Howard Giles, Jacques-Philippe Leyens & Henry Tajfel, авт-ри . 1979. Psycholinguistic distinctiveness : Language divergence in Belgium. В , Language and Social Psychology, 158–185. (Language And Social Psychology). Oxford: Blackwell.
Scherer, Klaus R, авт . 1980. The functions of nonverbal signs in conversation. В , The Social and Psychological Contexts of Language, 225–244. (The Social And Psychological Contexts Of Language). Hillsdale. NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Cvetkova, Bistra, авт . 1980. Les mouvements de Résistance et de libération des Bulgares dans le nord-est de la Bulgarie, en Thrace et en Macédoine pendant les années 80 et 90 du {XVIIe} siècle. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 4. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 45–56.
Charney, R., авт . 1980. Speech roles and the development of personal pronouns. Journal of Child Language 7. (Journal Of Child Language). 509–528.