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Автор Заглавие Тип [ Година
Филтри: First Letter Of Last Name is G [Отмени всички филтри]
Jeronimove hagiografije. Priredili I preveli s latinskoga Vesna Badurina-Stipčević, Vinko Grubišić. Kršćanski klasici . Том Sv. 2. (Kršćanski Klasici ). Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost.
. 2008. Kje so dokazi?. Ve{\v c}er. (Ve{\v C}Er). 14.
. 2008. Review: Abstract Phonology in a Concrete Model: Cognitive Linguistics and the Morphology-Phonology Interface. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 311–316.
. 2008. Social psychology and personal relationships: Accommodation and relational influence across time and contexts. В , Handbook of Applied Linguistics, vol. 2: Interpersonal communication, 15–31. (Handbook Of Applied Linguistics). New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
. 2008. Communication accommodation theory. В , Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology, 120. (Cambridge Dictionary Of Psychology). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 2009. Dialects, Migrations, and Ethnic Rivalries: The Case of Bosnia-Herzegovina. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 193–216.
. 2009. Linguistic Ideologies, Economies, and Technologies in the Language Culture of Contemporary Russia (1987-2008). Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 163–192.
. 2009. Prelimanary Remarks on the Old Church Slavonic Psalterium Demetrii Sinatici. В , The Bible in the Slavonic Tradition. Proceedings of the Intern. Conference Varna, 10–16 Sept. 2009. (The Bible In The Slavonic Tradition. Proceedings Of The Intern. Conference Varna, 10–16 Sept. 2009). https://www.academia.edu/32252053/The_Bible_in_Slavic_Tradition.
. 2009. Nonverbal behavior in social psychology research: The good, the bad, and the ugly. В , Then A Miracle Occurs: Focusing on Behavior in Social Psychological Theory and Research, 412–437. (Then A Miracle Occurs: Focusing On Behavior In Social Psychological Theory And Research,). New York: Oxford University Press.
. 2010. Review: Edmund Gussman. The Phonology of Polish. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 131–142.
. 2010. Kings’ Sagas and Norwegian History : Problems and Perspectives. The Northern World. (The Northern World). Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
. 2011. Reviewed by Patricia Pires Boulhosa : https://scholarworks.iu.edu/dspace/bitstream/handle/2022/14578/12.06.11.html?sequence=1(The Medieval Review, 12.06.11)
Classifying Dreams, Classifying the World: Ancient Egyptian Oneiromancy and Demotic Dream Books. В , Current research in Egyptology 2011 : proceedings of the twelfth annual symposium : which took place at Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011, 167–177. (Current Research In Egyptology 2011 : Proceedings Of The Twelfth Annual Symposium : Which Took Place At Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011). Oxford: Oakville : Oxbow books.
. 2012. Helen Trugman In Memoriam. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 207-209.
. 2013. Parameters of non-accommodation : Refining and elaborating communication accommodation theory. В , Social Cognition and Communication : 15th Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology, EASP Small Group Meeting on Social Cognition and Communication, 9 -12th July, 2012, Pecs, Hungary, 155–172. (Social Cognition And Communication : 15Th Sydney Symposium Of Social Psychology, Easp Small Group Meeting On Social Cognition And Communication, 9 -12Th July, 2012, Pecs, Hungary). New York: Psychology Press.
. 2013. Parameters of non-accommodation : Refining and elaborating communication accommodation theory. В , Social Cognition and Communication : 15th Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology, EASP Small Group Meeting on Social Cognition and Communication, 9 -12th July, 2012, Pecs, Hungary, 155–172. (Social Cognition And Communication : 15Th Sydney Symposium Of Social Psychology, Easp Small Group Meeting On Social Cognition And Communication, 9 -12Th July, 2012, Pecs, Hungary). New York: Psychology Press.
. 2013. Приспособяване на светостта (Martyrium S. Arethae et sociorum и неговите южнославянски контексти). В , Słowiańska mozaika kultur wobec historii (nie)tolerancji i waśni religijnych, vol. Krakowsko-Wileńskie studia slawistyczne, 9, 33-52. (Słowiańska Mozaika Kultur Wobec Historii (Nie)Tolerancji I Waśni Religijnych). Kraków: Wydawnictwo "Scriptum" Tomasz Sekunda.
. 2014.