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За семантико-синтактичната контракция на количествено-именните словосъчетания в руския и българския език

ЗаглавиеЗа семантико-синтактичната контракция на количествено-именните словосъчетания в руския и българския език
Вид публикацияJournal Article
Година на публикуване1983
АвториЕнчева, Н
СписаниеСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics

The paper discusses some condensed quantitative nominal phrases which have not been previously investigated in linguistic studies on Bulgarian and Russian. Some common rules underlying the formation of condensed nominal phrases of the type under discussion are compared across the two languages. It is pointed out that the grammatical nature of the underlying phrase influences to a large extent the condensed nominals in Bulgarian, since the basic syntactic nominal relations in it are expressed analytically and not by inflection. A classification of condensed quantitative nominals is proposed at the end of the paper.

Код за цитиранеЕнчева1983a