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Квантификацията на имената в португалския и в българския език

ЗаглавиеКвантификацията на имената в португалския и в българския език
Вид публикацияJournal Article
Година на публикуване1995
АвториВенкова, В
СписаниеСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics

The work discusses in a contrastive aspect the peculiarities of the quantitative definiteness of the nouns in Portuguese and in Bulgarian. As far as the quantification of counting and the quantification of measuring are determined, an analysis is made of the subclasses of absolute and relative quantification. The specific displays of the separate quantifiers are connected with the name’s semantics, as well as with the process of quantification, pluralization and determination, one or another process dominating in different context conditions.

Код за цитиранеВенкова1995