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Emonds, Joseph E. 1985. A unified theory of syntactic categories. Studies in generative grammar. (Studies In Generative Grammar). Dordrecht/Cinnaminson: Foris Publications.
Eckert, Rainer & Kiril Kostov. 1986. Zur figura etymologica im Altbulgarischen. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 10. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 40–48.
Ehrman, Bart D & Michael W Holmes. 1995. The Text of the New Testament in Contemporary Research. Essays in Honour of B.M. Metzger. 46 vol. (Essays In Honour Of B.m. Metzger). Grand Rapids, Michigan: Willam B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
Enc, Murvet. 1996. Tense and Modality. In , The Handbook of Contemporary Semantic Theory, 345–358. (The Handbook Of Contemporary Semantic Theory). Blackwell.
Russo, J. 1997. Prose Genres for the Performance of the Traditional Wisdom in Ancient Greece: Proverb, Maxim, Apothegm. In , Poet, Public, and Performance in Ancient Greece, 49–64. (Poet, Public, And Performance In Ancient Greece). Baltimor and London.
Giles, Howard & Andrew C Billings. 2004. Assessing language attitudes : Speaker evaluation studies. In , The Handbook of Applied Linguistics, 187–209. (The Handbook Of Applied Linguistics). Oxford: Blackwell.
Schmidt, Thomas, Kjell Elenius & Paul Trilsbeek. 2010. Multimedia Corpora (Media encoding and annotation). Interoperability and Standards : CLARIN-D5C-3. Ed.: Erhard Hinrichs, Iris Vogel. CLARIN - Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure. 2010. (Interoperability And Standards : Clarin-D5C-3. Ed.: Erhard Hinrichs, Iris Vogel. Clarin - Common Language Resources And Technology Infrastructure. 2010.).
Draft submitted to CLARIN WG 5.7. as input to CLARIN deliverable D5.C3 “Interoperability and Standards”
Hinterberger, M. 2014. Byzantine Hagiography and Its Literary Genres. Some Critical Observations. In , The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography.2. Genres and Contexts, vol. 2. (The Ashgate Research Companion To Byzantine Hagiography.2. Genres And Contexts). Farnham.
Efthymiadis, S. 2014. Greek Byzantine Hagiography in Verse. In , The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, vol. Vol. 2: Genres and Contexts, 161-179. (The Ashgate Research Companion To Byzantine Hagiography). Farnham.
Detoraki, M. 2014. Greek Passions of the Martyrs in Byzantium. In , The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography. 2. Genres and Contexts, vol. 2, 61-101. (The Ashgate Research Companion To Byzantine Hagiography. 2. Genres And Contexts). Farnham.
Detoraki, M. 2014. Greek Passions of the Martyrs in Byzantium. In , The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography. 2. Genres and Contexts, vol. 2, 61-101. (The Ashgate Research Companion To Byzantine Hagiography. 2. Genres And Contexts). Farnham.
Høgel, C. & S. Efthymiadis. 2014. Symeon Metaphrastes and the Metaphrastic Movement. In , The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, vol. 2, 181-196. (The Ashgate Research Companion To Byzantine Hagiography). Farnham: Ashgate.
Luzzi, A. 2014. Synaxaria and the Synaxarion of Constantinople. In , The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, vol. 2. Genres and Contexts, 196-208. (The Ashgate Research Companion To Byzantine Hagiography). Farnham.