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Jeronimove hagiografije. Priredili I preveli s latinskoga Vesna Badurina-Stipčević, Vinko Grubišić. Kršćanski klasici . Vol. Sv. 26. (Kršćanski Klasici ). Zagreb: Kršćanska sadašnjost.
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. 2008. Social psychology and personal relationships: Accommodation and relational influence across time and contexts. In , Handbook of Applied Linguistics, vol. 2: Interpersonal communication, 15–31. (Handbook Of Applied Linguistics). New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
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Classifying Dreams, Classifying the World: Ancient Egyptian Oneiromancy and Demotic Dream Books. In , Current research in Egyptology 2011 : proceedings of the twelfth annual symposium : which took place at Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011, 167–177. (Current Research In Egyptology 2011 : Proceedings Of The Twelfth Annual Symposium : Which Took Place At Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011). Oxford: Oakville : Oxbow books.
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. 2013. Parameters of non-accommodation : Refining and elaborating communication accommodation theory. In , Social Cognition and Communication : 15th Sydney Symposium of Social Psychology, EASP Small Group Meeting on Social Cognition and Communication, 9 -12th July, 2012, Pecs, Hungary, 155–172. (Social Cognition And Communication : 15Th Sydney Symposium Of Social Psychology, Easp Small Group Meeting On Social Cognition And Communication, 9 -12Th July, 2012, Pecs, Hungary). New York: Psychology Press.
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