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The Slavic Paterika on Mt Athos: Features of Text Transmission in Church Slavic. In , Monastic Traditions. Selected Papers of the Fourth International Hilandar Conference, 358–369. (Monastic Traditions. Selected Papers Of The Fourth International Hilandar Conference). Bloomington: Slavica.
. 2003. Communication accommodation theory. In , The New Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, 33–56. (The New Handbook Of Language And Social Psychology). Chichester: Wiley.
. 2001. Communication accommodation theory. In , The New Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, 33–56. (The New Handbook Of Language And Social Psychology). Chichester: Wiley.
. 2001. Die altslavische Version der Evangelien. Forschungsgeschichte und zeitgenössische Forshung . Köln, Weimar, Wien: Bohlau Verlag.
. 2001. Language attitudes : Retrospect, conspect, and prospect. In , The New Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, 137–155. (The New Handbook Of Language And Social Psychology). Chichester: Wiley.
. 2001. Toward a comprehensive model of nonverbal communication. In , The New Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, 159–176. (The New Handbook Of Language And Social Psychology,). Chichester: Wiley.
. 2001. Metzler Lexikon Sprache. . 2. überarbeitete und erwaiterte Auflagend ed. Stuttgart; Weimar: J. B. Metzler.
. 2000. Romanticism and the Gothic: Genre, Reception, and Canon Formation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 2000. Accommodating nonverbally. In , The Nonverbal Communication Reader : Classic and Contemporary Readings, 425–436. 2nd ed. (The Nonverbal Communication Reader : Classic And Contemporary Readings). Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
. 1999. Accommodating nonverbally. In , The Nonverbal Communication Reader : Classic and Contemporary Readings, 425–436. 2nd ed. (The Nonverbal Communication Reader : Classic And Contemporary Readings). Prospect Heights, IL: Waveland Press.
. 1999. Strategies of accommodation: Development of a coding system for conversational interaction. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 18. (Journal Of Language And Social Psychology). 123–151.
. 1999. Italian is beautiful, German is ugly. In , Language Myths, 85– 93. (Language Myths). London: Penguin Books.
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. 1998. Paratexts: Thresholds of Interpretation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 1997. Joseph’s Bible Notes (Hypomnestikon). Early Christian Series. Vol. 9. (Early Christian Series). Atlanta, Georgia.
. 1996. Accommodating intercultural encounters : Elaborations and extensions. In , Intercultural communication theory, 115–147. (Intercultural Communication Theory). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
. 1995. Accommodating intercultural encounters : Elaborations and extensions. In , Intercultural communication theory, 115–147. (Intercultural Communication Theory). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
. 1995. Language and power in an academic context : The effects of status, ethnicity, and sex. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 14. (Journal Of Language And Social Psychology). 434–461.
. 1995. The phonological basis of sound change. In , Handbook of Phonological Theory, 640–670. (Handbook Of Phonological Theory). Cambridge, {MA}: Blackwel.
. 1995. Close Encounters : Contact between Holy Figures and the Faithful as represented in Byzantine Works of Art. In , Byzance et les images : cycle de conférences organisé au Musée du Louvre par le Service Culturel du 5 ocrobre au 7 décembre 1992, 255–285. (Byzance Et Les Images : Cycle De Conférences Organisé Au Musée Du Louvre Par Le Service Culturel Du 5 Ocrobre Au 7 Décembre 1992). Paris: La Documentation fraçaise.
. 1994. The effects of lexical formality on accent and trait attributions. Language and Communication 14. (Language And Communication). 265 – 274.
. 1994. The effects of lexical formality on accent and trait attributions. Language and Communication 14. (Language And Communication). 265 – 274.
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