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Textological Notes on De Christo et Antichristo by Hippolytus of Rome in the Greek and Slavonic Manuscript Tradition. Scripta & e-Scripta 18. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 175-195.
. 2018. Textological Notes on De Christo et Antichristo by Hippolytus of Rome in the Greek and Slavonic Manuscript Tradition. Scripta & e-Scripta 18. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 175-195.
. 2018. Textological Notes on De Christo et Antichristo by Hippolytus of Rome in the Greek and Slavonic Manuscript Tradition. Scripta&e-Scripta 18. (Scripta&e-Scripta). 175-195.
. 2018. The Greek Tradition of Hippolytus’ Commentarii in Danielem and the Slavonic Translation. Scripta & e-Scripta 16-17. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 243-265.
. 2017. The Greek Tradition of Hippolytus’ Commentarii in Danielem and the Slavonic Translation. Scripta & e-Scripta 17. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 243-265.
. 2017. The Greek Tradition of Hippolytus’ Commentarii in Danielem and the Slavonic Translation. Scripta & e-Scripta 16-17. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 243-265.
. 2017. The Slavonic Versions of Hippolytus of Rome’s Commentaries on the Book of Prophet Daniel. Scripta & e-Scripta 13. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 149-170.
. 2014. The Slavonic Versions of Hippolytus of Rome’s Commentaries on the Book of Prophet Daniel. Scripta & e-Scripta 13. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 149-170.
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