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O., Strunk. The Byzantine Office at Hagia Sophia. Dumbarton Oaks Papers 9/10. (Dumbarton Oaks Papers). 177-202.
Corey, K. 1943. The Greek Versions of Jerome’s Vita Sancti Pauli. In , Studies in the Text Tradition of St. Jerome’s Vitae Patrum, 143–250. (Studies In The Text Tradition Of St. Jerome’S Vitae Patrum). Urbana: The University of Illinois Press.
Otrębski, Jan. 1949. La formation des noms physiographiques en lithuanien. Lingua Posnaniensis 1. (Lingua Posnaniensis). 199 – 243.
Otrębski, Jan. 1963. Baltisch-Slawische Miszellen. Lingua Posnaniensis 9. (Lingua Posnaniensis). 115 – 121.
Moeller, Bernaru. 1971. Piety in Germany around 1500. In , The Reformation in Medieval Perspective, 50–75. (The Reformation In Medieval Perspective). Chicago: Quadrangle Books.
Levy-Schoen, Ariane & Kevin O’Regan. 1979. The Control of Eye Movements in Reading. Processing of Visible Language 13. (Processing Of Visible Language). 7–36.
O’Regan, Kevin. 1979. Moment to Moment Control of Eye Saccades as a Function of Textual Parameters in Reading. In , Processing Visible Language, vol. 1, 49–60. (Processing Visible Language). Springer.
Ohala, John J. 1981. The listener as the source of sound change. In , Papers from the parasession on language and behavior, 178–203. (Papers From The Parasession On Language And Behavior). Chicago: Chicago Linguistic Society.
Olesch, Reinhold. 1983. Kyrillo-methodianische Spuren im Dravänischen. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 7. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 3–10.
Ohala, John J. 1983. The origin of sound patterns in vocal tract constraints. In , The production of speech, 189–216. (The Production Of Speech). New York: Springer.