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Project for Digital Corpus of Slavic Lexical Variants in Translated Texts of the 14th Century. In , Bulgarian-American Dialogues, 408-420. (Bulgarian-American Dialogues). Sofia: Professor Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House.
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. 2010. Historical and Apocalyptic Literature in Byzantium and Medieval Bulgaria. 2nd ed. Sofia: Iztok-Zapad.
. 2011. Classifying Dreams, Classifying the World: Ancient Egyptian Oneiromancy and Demotic Dream Books. In , Current research in Egyptology 2011 : proceedings of the twelfth annual symposium : which took place at Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011, 167–177. (Current Research In Egyptology 2011 : Proceedings Of The Twelfth Annual Symposium : Which Took Place At Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011). Oxford: Oakville : Oxbow books.
. 2012. Classifying Dreams, Classifying the World: Ancient Egyptian Oneiromancy and Demotic Dream Books. In , Current research in Egyptology 2011 : proceedings of the twelfth annual symposium : which took place at Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011, 167–177. (Current Research In Egyptology 2011 : Proceedings Of The Twelfth Annual Symposium : Which Took Place At Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011). Oxford: Oakville : Oxbow books.
. 2012. The July and August Volume of the Hilandar Menologium. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 36. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 29–59.
. 2012. Kulturgeschichte der mittelalterlichen Wahrsagerei. Berlin: De Gruyter.
. 2012. Review: The syntax of Russian by John Frederick Bailyn. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 341–357.
. 2013. Abercius, the Principal Scribe of the Hilandar Menologium, the Largest Extant South Slav Menologium. In , Analecta Bollandiana, vol. 132, 89–143. (Analecta Bollandiana).
. 2014. The Life of Saint Basil the Younger. Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Moscow Version. Dumbarton Oaks Studies. Vol. 45. (Dumbarton Oaks Studies). Washington.
. 2014. The mediaeval Slav reception of the works of Symeon the New Theologian. In , Philology broad and deep : In memoriam Horace G. Lunt , 265-308. (Philology Broad And Deep : In Memoriam Horace G. Lunt ). Bloomington: Slavica Pubisshers.
. 2014. The Cult of St. Tryphon and His Martyrdom in South Slavonic Written Tradition. Scripta & e-Scripta 22. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 355-364.
. 2022.