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Ćirilski spomenici u Bosni i Hercegovini. Naše starine. Godišnjak Zemaljskog zavoda za zaštitu spomenika culture i prirodih rijejkosti N. R. Bosne i Hercegovine 6. (Naše Starine. Godišnjak Zemaljskog Zavoda Za Zaštitu Spomenika Culture I Prirodih Rijejkosti N. R. Bosne I Hercegovine). 63-104.
. 1959. Paralanguage: A first approximation. Studies in Linguistics 13. (Studies In Linguistics). 1–12.
. 1958. The Universities and the Mediaeval Library. In , The English Library before 1700 : Studies in Its History, 66–86. (The English Library Before 1700 : Studies In Its History). London: University of London, Athlone Press.
. 1958. The literary riddle before 1600. Berkeley: University of California Press.
. 1948. Champ Fleury ou l’Art et science de la proportion des lettres. . Paris: Charles Bosse.
. 1931. Reproduction phototypique de l’édition princeps de Paris, 1529, précédée d’un avant-propos et suivie de notes, index et glossaire, par Gustave Cohen, professeur à la Sorbonne
Jean de Gerson et l’éducation des dauphins de France. Paris: E. Droz.
. 1930. An Introduction to Greek and Latin Palaeography. Oxford: Clarendon Press.
. 1912. St. George. In , The Catholic Encyclopedia, vol. 6. (The Catholic Encyclopedia). New York: Robert Appleton Company.
. 1909. Patrologia Graeca. . Vol. 38.
. 1862. Patrologia Graeca. . Vol. 37.
. 1862. Patrologia Graeca. . Vol. 36.
. 1858. Patrologia Graeca. . Vol. 35.
. 1857. Evangelia Apocrypha. Lipsiae: Avenarius et Mendelssohn.
. 1853.