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The Universities and the Mediaeval Library. In , The English Library before 1700 : Studies in Its History, 66–86. (The English Library Before 1700 : Studies In Its History). London: University of London, Athlone Press.
. 1958. L’odyssée du manuscrit de San Pietro qui renferme les oeuvres de Saint-Hilaire. In , Classical and Medieval Studies in Honour of Edward Kennard Rand: Presented upon the completion of his 40th year of teaching, 293–305. (Classical And Medieval Studies In Honour Of Edward Kennard Rand: Presented Upon The Completion Of His 40Th Year Of Teaching). New York: Leslie Webber Jones.
. 1938. Iconographia Albertina. Freiburg i. Br: Herder.
. 1932. Byzantinische Musik . Breslau: Ferdinand Hirt.
. 1927. . 1923.
. 1923.
Anleitung zur lateinischen Palaeographie. Leipzig: S. Hirzel.
. 1886. преизд. Gerstenberg, Hildescheim 1971