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The Case of Predicates (Revisited): Predicate Instrumental in Russian and Its Restrictions. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 187–246.
. 2008. Clitic placement, prosody, and the Bulgarian verbal complex. Journal of Slavic linguistics 16. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 91–137.
. 2008. A Computerized Database of Medieval Slavic Gospel Menologies. In , Slovo: Towards a Digital Library of South Slavic Manuscripts. Proceedings of the International Conference, 21–26 February 2008, 220–226. (Slovo: Towards A Digital Library Of South Slavic Manuscripts. Proceedings Of The International Conference, 21–26 February 2008). Sofia.
. 2008. Convergence and attrition: Serbian in contact with English in Australia. Journal of Slavic linguistics 16. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 57–90.
. 2008. Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology. . Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 2009. Communication accommodation theory. In , Cambridge Dictionary of Psychology, 120. (Cambridge Dictionary Of Psychology). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 2009. A comparative analysis of the English and Bulgarian participles with a view to their categorial status. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics 34. (Съпоставително Езикознание / Сопоставительное Языкознание / Contrastive Linguistics). 5–24.
. 2009. The contribution of language use, language attitudes, and language competence to minority language maintenance: a report from Austrian Carinthia. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 275–315.
. 2009. Case and Events in Transitive Impersonals. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 101–130.
. 2010. Cave Monasteries of Byzantine Cappadocia. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
. 2010. Conditions on the Formation of Middles in Russian. Journal of Slavic linguistics 18. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 291–336.
. 2010. The Catalogue of Greek Musical Manuscripts from St. Catherine’s Monastery on Mount Sinai. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 35. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 90–97.
. 2011. Comparative Indo-European Linguistics. An Introduction. . 2nd ed. Amsterdam ; Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
. 2011. Revised and corrected by Michiel de Vaan.
Classifying Dreams, Classifying the World: Ancient Egyptian Oneiromancy and Demotic Dream Books. In , Current research in Egyptology 2011 : proceedings of the twelfth annual symposium : which took place at Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011, 167–177. (Current Research In Egyptology 2011 : Proceedings Of The Twelfth Annual Symposium : Which Took Place At Durham University, United Kingdom, March 2011). Oxford: Oakville : Oxbow books.
. 2012. Classifying the Feedback Function of Head Movements and Face Expressions. In , Multimodal Corpora: How Should Multimodal Corpora Deal with the Situation?, 34 – 38. (Multimodal Corpora: How Should Multimodal Corpora Deal With The Situation?). Luxembourg: European Language Resources Association.
. 2012. Language Resources and Evaluation Conference
Cults and Relics: The Relics of the Saints and Their Role in Medieval Cultures. In , In Stolis Repromissionis: Светци и святост в Централна и Източна Европа, 313‒324. (In Stolis Repromissionis: Светци И Святост В Централна И Източна Европа). София: Импресарско-издателска къща.
. 2012. Cyrillo-Methodian legal heritage and political ideology in the mediaeval Slavic states. Papers of BAS. Humanities and Social Sciences(1). (Papers Of Bas. Humanities And Social Sciences). 3 –16.
. 2015. The Cult of St. Tryphon and His Martyrdom in South Slavonic Written Tradition. Scripta & e-Scripta 22. (Scripta & E-Scripta). 355-364.
. 2022.