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The Earliest French Resistance Theory : The Role of the Burgundian Court. Journal of Modern History 51. (Journal Of Modern History). 1225–1249.
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Eye Movements in Reading : Eye Guidance and Integration. Processing Visible Language 13. (Processing Visible Language). 61–75.
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. 1981. Einige Bemerkungen zu einem speziellen Typ komplexer Sätze im Deutschen und im Bulgarischen. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics 7. (Съпоставително Езикознание / Сопоставительное Языкознание / Contrastive Linguistics). 3–8.
. 1982. Ecloga. Das Gesetzbuch Leons III. und Konstantinos V. Forschungen zur byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte. Vol. 10. (Forschungen Zur Byzantinischen Rechtsgeschichte). Frankfurt a. Main.
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. 1983. The Eulogy of St. John the Divine Attributed to Joh n the Exarch of Bulgaria. Slavica Gandensia 11. (Slavica Gandensia). 129–158.
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The effects of vocalics and nonverbal sensitivity on compliance : A speech accommodation theory explanation. Human Communication Research 14. (Human Communication Research). 301–332.
. 1988. Earliest Slavic Attestations of Custom of Rusalii. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 13. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 41–46.
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. 1992. Introduction in German. Includes bibliographical references (p. 81–86) and indexes.
The effects of speech rate similarity on compliance : Application of communication accommodation theory. Western Journal of Communication 56. (Western Journal Of Communication). 37–53.
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Extrasyllabic consonants in Polish: Derivational Optimality Theory. In , Derivations and Constraints in Phonology, 551–582. (Derivations And Constraints In Phonology). Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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