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Le kdor varnost ogro{\v z}a, je varen. Delo. (Delo). 10.
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. 2008. Language Conflict in Post-Soviet Linguistic Landscapes. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 247–274.
. 2009. Linguistic Ideologies, Economies, and Technologies in the Language Culture of Contemporary Russia (1987-2008). Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 163–192.
. 2009. Luvo-Lycian Stops Revisited. In , The Sound of Indo-European, vol. 2, 206–218. (The Sound Of Indo-European). München: Lincom.
. 2012. The Life of Saint Basil the Younger. Critical Edition and Annotated Translation of the Moscow Version. Dumbarton Oaks Studies. Vol. 45. (Dumbarton Oaks Studies). Washington.
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