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Prepositions, postpositions, circumpositions, and particles. In , The Syntax of Specifiers and Heads. Collected Essays of Hilda J. Koopman, 204–260. (The Syntax Of Specifiers And Heads. Collected Essays Of Hilda J. Koopman). London: Routledge.
. 2000. Problèmes de la concurrence entre les connecteurs temporels les plus employés en fran{\c c}ais et en bulgare contemporains. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics 25. (Съпоставително Езикознание / Сопоставительное Языкознание / Contrastive Linguistics). 5–32.
. 2000. Problems concerning the Computer description and Processing of Slavic Euchological Manuscripts (A typology of Bulgarian trabnici of 17th century. Preliminary results). In , Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and SGML. Problems and Perspectives, 170-204. (Medieval Slavic Manuscripts And Sgml. Problems And Perspectives). Sofia: Professor Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House.
. 2000. Palaeoslovenica. Würdigung neuentdeckter Handschriften. In , Dutch contributions to the Twelfth international congress of Slavists, Cracow: Linguistics, 251-376. (Dutch Contributions To The Twelfth International Congress Of Slavists, Cracow: Linguistics).
. 1998. Perception and acoustic correlates of stress in English and in Bulgarian. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics 23. (Съпоставително Езикознание / Сопоставительное Языкознание / Contrastive Linguistics). 15–24.
. 1998. A Procedure for the Generation of Gesture in Bimodal Communication. In , Oralité et gestualité: interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. actes du colloque ORAGE 1998. (Oralité Et Gestualité: Interactions Et Comportements Multimodaux Dans La Communication. Actes Du Colloque Orage 1998). L’Harmattan.
. 1998. Production gestuelle lors de la parole spontanee dans la maladie de Parkinson. In , Oralité et gestualité: interactions et comportements multimodaux dans la communication. actes du colloque ORAGE 1998. (Oralité Et Gestualité: Interactions Et Comportements Multimodaux Dans La Communication. Actes Du Colloque Orage 1998). L’Harmattan.
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. 1997. Prose Genres for the Performance of the Traditional Wisdom in Ancient Greece: Proverb, Maxim, Apothegm. In , Poet, Public, and Performance in Ancient Greece, 49–64. (Poet, Public, And Performance In Ancient Greece). Baltimor and London.
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. 1997. Ad editionem praeparevunt Petra Fetková, Zoe Hauptová, Václav Konzal, Ludmila Pacnerová, Jana Švábová sub redactione Francisci V. Mareš
The Psalter, its tradition and computer: a new method of textual analysis. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 20. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 3–13.
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Perceptual learning of non-native speech contrasts: Implication for theories of speech perception. In , The development of speech perception: The transition from speech sounds to spoken words, 121–166. (The Development Of Speech Perception: The Transition From Speech Sounds To Spoken Words). Cambridge, Mass: {MIT} press.
. 1994. Peregrinatio graeca in Terram Sanctam. Studien zu Pilgerführern und Reisebeschreibungen über Syrien, Palästina und den Sinai aus byzantinischer und metabyzantynischer Zeit. Studien und Texte zur Byzantinistik. (Studien Und Texte Zur Byzantinistik). Frankfurt am Main/Berlin/Bern/New York/Paris/Wien: Peter Lang.
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Phrasal Verbs in the Interlanguage of First Year English Philology Students. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics 19. (Съпоставително Езикознание / Сопоставительное Языкознание / Contrastive Linguistics). 31–37.
. 1994. Pragmatic Uses of Well and their Bulgarian Translations. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics 19. (Съпоставително Езикознание / Сопоставительное Языкознание / Contrastive Linguistics). 5–13.
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. 1993. Pause and Effect: An Introduction to the History of Punctuation in the West. Aldershot: Scholar Press.
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