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Трифуновиħ, Ђ.. 1990. Jеванђеље. In , Азбучник српских средњовековних књижевних поjмова, 119–122. (Азбучник Српских Средњовековних Књижевних Поjмова). Београд: NOLIT.
Kazhdan, Alexander, D. Conomos & N. Ševčenko. 1991. Joseph the Hymnographer. In , The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, vol. 2, 1074–1075. (The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium). New York-Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kazhdan, Alexander. 1991. John of Damascus. In , vol. 2, 1063–1064.
Mayer, Wendy. 1998. John Chrysostom: Extraordinary Preacher, Ordinary Audience . In , Preachers and Audience. Studies in Early Christian and Byzantine Homiletics, 105-138. (Preachers And Audience. Studies In Early Christian And Byzantine Homiletics). Leiden: Brill.
Baldwin, B, A Kazhdan & N Ševčenko. 1991. John Chrysostom. In , The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, vol. 2, 1057–1058. (The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium).
von Campenhausen, Hans. 2000. John Chrysostom. In , The Fathers of The Church, 140-157. (The Fathers Of The Church).
Scholastici, Johannis & G Heimbach. 1840. Johannis Scholastici Colectio 87 Capitulorum. In , Anecdota, vol. 2, 202-234. (Anecdota). Leipzig.
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Miltenova, Anisava. 2013. Intertextuality in the Orthodox Slavic Tradition: The Case of Mixed Content Miscellanies. In , Between Text and Text. The Hermeneutics of Intertextuality in Ancient Cultures and their Afterlife in Medieval and Modern Times, 314–327. (Between Text And Text. The Hermeneutics Of Intertextuality In Ancient Cultures And Their Afterlife In Medieval And Modern Times). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
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