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Andrist, Patrick. 2018. Toward a definition of paratexts and paratextuality: the case of ancient Greek manuscripts. In , Bible as Notepad. Tracing Annotations and Annotation Practices in Late Antique and Medieval Biblical Manuscripts, 130-149. Maniaci, Marilena Manuscripta Biblica. (Bible As Notepad. Tracing Annotations And Annotation Practices In Late Antique And Medieval Biblical Manuscripts). Berlin.
Patterson, Miles. 2001. Toward a comprehensive model of nonverbal communication. In , The New Handbook of Language and Social Psychology, 159–176. (The New Handbook Of Language And Social Psychology,). Chichester: Wiley.
Cieślak, Katarzyna. 1998. Tod und Gedenken. Danziger Epitaphien vom 15. bis zum 20. Jahrhundert. (ed.)Udo Arnold. Einzelschriften der Historischen Kommission für ost- und westpreußische Landesforschung. (Einzelschriften Der Historischen Kommission Für Ost- Und Westpreußische Landesforschung). Lüneburg: Institut Nordostdeutsches Kulturwerk.
Bailyn, John Frederick. 2010. To what degree are Croatian and Serbian the same language? Evidence from a translation study. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 181–219.
Bayet, Jean & Gaston Baillet (eds.).. 1954. Tite-Live. Histoire romaine. (eds.)Jean Bayet & Baillet, Gaston. . Vol. 1. Paris: Les Belles-Lettres.
Parenti, Stefano & Elena Velkovska. 2007. Thirteenth Century Manuscript of the Constantinopolitan Euchology: Grottaferrata. G. b. 1, alias of Cardinal Bessarion. Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata Ser. III, vol. 4. (Bollettino Della Badia Greca Di Grottaferrata). 175-196.
Miller, James. 1986. A third look at the second Dative. In , Case in Slavic, 296–311. (Case In Slavic). Slavica.
Geertz, Clifford. 1973. Thick Description: Toward an Interpretive Theory of Culture. In , The interpretation of cultures: selected essays, 3-30. (The Interpretation Of Cultures: Selected Essays). New York: Basic Books.
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Lehmann, W. P. 1993. Theoretical bases of Indo-European linguistics. 1st ed. London ; New York: Routledge.
Includes bibliographical references (p. 298-315) and index
Hutter, Imgard. 1997. Theodoros βιβλιογράφος und die Buchmalerei in Studiu. In , Όπώρα: Studi in onore di mgr Paul Canart per il LXX compleanno, vol. 1, 177–208, Abb. 1–7. (Όπώρα: Studi In Onore Di Mgr Paul Canart Per Il Lxx Compleanno). Roma: Grottaferrata.
Kazhdan, A. 1991. Theodore of Studios. In , The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, vol. 3, 2044–2045. (The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium).
MacRobert, Catherine Mary. 1998. The Textual Tradition of the Church Slavonic Psalter up to the Fifteenth Century. In , Interpretation of the Bible, 921-948. (Interpretation Of The Bible). Ljubljana ; Sheffield: Sloven. akad. znanosti in umetnosti ; Sheffield acad. press.
Maas, Paul. 1958. Textual Criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Maas, Paul. 1958. Textual Criticism. Oxford: Oxford University Press.