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Библейското Осмокнижие в Архивния хронограф

ЗаглавиеБиблейското Осмокнижие в Архивния хронограф
Вид публикацияJournal Article
Година на публикуване2010
АвториСлавова, Т
СписаниеPalaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика

The object of study in this article is the Octateuch in the Archival Chronograph – a Russian manuscript from the 15th century ({RGADA}, Moskow, f. {181,N} 279/658). The text of the Octateuch, which is undoubtedly an integral part of the Archival Chronograph, is studied in comparison both with the Greek text and the Slavonic copies of the Octateuch, thus extending the analysis beyond the content of the Archival Chronograph. The analysis shows that these copies go back to one single translation, preserved in two versions: 1) a South-Slavonic version, 2) a Russian version. The analysis proves furthermore that the text of the Octateuch which is included in the Archival Chronograph streers a middle course between the {SouthSlavonic} and Russian versions, being closer to the first one, as it reflects the specificity of the lost archetype to a greater extent.

Код за цитиранеСлавова2010