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Hutter, Imgard, авт . 1997. Theodoros βιβλιογράφος und die Buchmalerei in Studiu. В , Όπώρα: Studi in onore di mgr Paul Canart per il LXX compleanno, vol. 1, 177–208, Abb. 1–7. (Όπώρα: Studi In Onore Di Mgr Paul Canart Per Il Lxx Compleanno). Roma: Grottaferrata.
Kazhdan, A., авт . 1991. Theodore of Studios. В , The Oxford Dictionary of Byzantium, vol. 3, 2044–2045. (The Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium).
MacRobert, Catherine Mary, авт . 1998. The Textual Tradition of the Church Slavonic Psalter up to the Fifteenth Century. В , Interpretation of the Bible, 921-948. (Interpretation Of The Bible). Ljubljana ; Sheffield: Sloven. akad. znanosti in umetnosti ; Sheffield acad. press.
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Luzzi, A., авт . 2014. Synaxaria and the Synaxarion of Constantinople. В , The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, vol. 2. Genres and Contexts, 196-208. (The Ashgate Research Companion To Byzantine Hagiography). Farnham.
Høgel, C., авт . 2014. Symeon Metaphrastes and the Metaphrastic Movement. In: The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography. В , Genres and Contexts, vol. 2, 181–196. (Genres And Contexts). Farnham.
Høgel, C. & S. Efthymiadis, авт-ри . 2014. Symeon Metaphrastes and the Metaphrastic Movement. В , The Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, vol. 2, 181-196. (The Ashgate Research Companion To Byzantine Hagiography). Farnham: Ashgate.
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Florovsky, George, авт . 1987. St. George Palamas and the Tradition of the Fathers. В , Collected Works of George Florovsky, vol. 1. Bible, Church, Tradition: An Eastern Orthodox View, 105-120. (Collected Works Of George Florovsky). Vaduz: Buchervertriebsanstalt. http://orthodoxinfo.com/phronema/florov_palamas.aspx.
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Giles, Howard, Klaus R Scherer & Donald Taylor, авт-ри . 1979. Speech markers in social interaction. В , Social Markers in Speech, 343 – 381. (Social Markers In Speech). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Giles, Howard, Anthony Mulac, James Bradac, Patricia Johnson & Margaret McLaughlin, авт-ри . 1987. Speech accommodation theory : The first decade and beyond. В , Communication Yearbook, vol. 10, 13–48. (Communication Yearbook). Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.
Angusheva-Tihanova, Adelina, авт . 2005. Southern Slavic Predictions about the Future of a Person according to the Time of Birth: Types and Transformations. В , Нѣсть оученик над оучителем своим. Сборник в чест на проф. дфн Иван Добрев, член-кореспондент на БАН и учител, 201–211. (Нѣсть Оученик Над Оучителем Своим. Сборник В Чест На Проф. Дфн Иван Добрев, Член-Кореспондент На Бан И Учител). София.
Ohala, John J, авт . 1989. Sound Change is Drawn from a Pool of Synchronic Variation. В , Language change: Contributions to the study of its causes, 171–198. (Language Change: Contributions To The Study Of Its Causes). New York: Mouton de Gruyter.
Horst, Pieter, авт . 1998. Sortes: sacred books as instant oracles in late antiquity. В , The Use of Sacred Books in the Ancient World. Ed. L. V. Rutgers etc., 143-173. (The Use Of Sacred Books In The Ancient World. Ed. L. V. Rutgers Etc.). Leuven: Peeters.
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Augustinus, Hipponensis, авт . 1841. Solilogiorium. В , Patrologia Latina, vol. 32. (Patrologia Latina). Paris: Apud Garnier Fratres et J.-P. Migne Successores. http://www.augustinus.it/latino/soliloqui/index2.htm.
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Pitts, Margareth & Howard Giles, авт-ри . 2008. Social psychology and personal relationships: Accommodation and relational influence across time and contexts. В , Handbook of Applied Linguistics, vol. 2: Interpersonal communication, 15–31. (Handbook Of Applied Linguistics). New York: Mouton de Gruyter.