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Book Chapter
Høgel, C., авт . 1996. The Redaction of Symeon Metaphrastes: Literary Aspects of the Metaphrastic Martyria. В , Metaphrasis: Redaction and Audiences in Middle Byzantine Hagiography. (Metaphrasis: Redaction And Audiences In Middle Byzantine Hagiography). Oslo.
Budelmann, Felix & Johannes Haubold, авт-ри . 2008. Reception and Tradition. В , A Companion to Classical Receptions, 13–25. (A Companion To Classical Receptions). Oxford: Blackwell.
Matsumoto, David, Mark G Frank & Hyi Sung Hwang, авт-ри . 2013. Reading people: Introduction to the world of nonverbal behavior. В , Nonverbal Communication: Science and Application, 3–14. (Nonverbal Communication: Science And Application). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
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Lenhoff, Gail, авт . 1987. Problems of Medieval Narrative Typology: The Exemplum. В , Gattung und Narration in den altslavischen Literaturen, 109-118. (Gattung Und Narration In Den Altslavischen Literaturen). Berlin: Harrassowitz.
Radoslavova, Dilyana, авт . 2000. Problems concerning the Computer description and Processing of Slavic Euchological Manuscripts (A typology of Bulgarian trabnici of 17th century. Preliminary results). В , Medieval Slavic Manuscripts and SGML. Problems and Perspectives, 170-204. (Medieval Slavic Manuscripts And Sgml. Problems And Perspectives). Sofia: Professor Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House.
Koopman, Hilda, авт . 2000. Prepositions, postpositions, circumpositions, and particles. В , The Syntax of Specifiers and Heads. Collected Essays of Hilda J. Koopman, 204–260. (The Syntax Of Specifiers And Heads. Collected Essays Of Hilda J. Koopman). London: Routledge.
Miklas, Heinz, Melani Gau & Dana Huerner, авт-ри . 2009. Prelimanary Remarks on the Old Church Slavonic Psalterium Demetrii Sinatici. В , The Bible in the Slavonic Tradition. Proceedings of the Intern. Conference Varna, 10–16 Sept. 2009. (The Bible In The Slavonic Tradition. Proceedings Of The Intern. Conference Varna, 10–16 Sept. 2009). https://www.academia.edu/32252053/The_Bible_in_Slavic_Tradition.
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