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Parenti, Stefano & Elena Velkovska. 2007. Thirteenth Century Manuscript of the Constantinopolitan Euchology: Grottaferrata. G. b. 1, alias of Cardinal Bessarion. Bollettino della Badia greca di Grottaferrata Ser. III, vol. 4. (Bollettino Della Badia Greca Di Grottaferrata). 175-196.
Roelli, P. 2011. Teaching Hesychasm by Means of Florilegia. In , Proceedings of the conference "Encyclopedic Trends in Byzantium", 287-296. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. (Proceedings Of The Conference "encyclopedic Trends In Byzantium"). Louvain.
Donker, Gerald J. 2011. The Text of the Apostolos in Athanasius of Alexandria. The New Testament in the Greek Fathers. (The New Testament In The Greek Fathers). Leiden ; Boston: Brill.
Miltenova, Anisava. 2011. Towards the Slavic Translations of Capita Paraenetica Ascribed to either Nilus of Ankyra or to Hesychius of Jerusalem. In , ΣΠΑΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΟΣΛΑΒΙΚΗΣ ΚΛΗΡΟΝΟΜΊΑΣ (Χαριστήριος Τόμος στον Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Χρ. Ταρνανίδη), 125–154. (Σπαραγματα Βυζαντινοσλαβικησ Κληρονομίασ (Χαριστήριος Τόμος Στον Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Χρ. Ταρνανίδη).
Miltenova, Anisava. 2011. Towards the Slavic Translations of Capita Paraenetica Ascribed to either Nilus of Ankyra or to Hesychius of Jerusalem. In , ΣΠΑΡΑΓΜΑΤΑ ΒΥΖΑΝΤΙΝΟΣΛΑΒΙΚΗΣ ΚΛΗΡΟΝΟΜΊΑΣ (Χαριστήριος Τόμος στον Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Χρ. Ταρνανίδη), 125–154. (Σπαραγματα Βυζαντινοσλαβικησ Κληρονομίασ (Χαριστήριος Τόμος Στον Καθηγητή Ιωάννη Χρ. Ταρνανίδη).
Hauff, Andrea. 2012. Translation von Heiligkeit. Die Wahrnehmung von heiligem Raum im spätmittelalterlichen Heiligenkult. Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика 36. (Palaeobulgarica / Старобългаристика). 80–92.
Biliarsky, I. 2013. The Tale of the Prophet Isaiah: The Destiny and Meanings of an Apocryphal Text. East Central and Eastern Europe in the Middle Ages, 450-1450. Vol. 23. (East Central And Eastern Europe In The Middle Ages, 450-1450). Leiden: BRILL.
Miltenova, Anisava. 2017. Translations of Monastic Florilegia in Medieval Bulgarian Literature (10th – 14th c.). In , Medieval Bulgarian Art and Letters in a Byzantine Context, 437–465. (Medieval Bulgarian Art And Letters In A Byzantine Context). Sofia.
Andrist, Patrick. 2018. Toward a definition of paratexts and paratextuality: the case of ancient Greek manuscripts. In , Bible as Notepad. Tracing Annotations and Annotation Practices in Late Antique and Medieval Biblical Manuscripts, 130-149. Maniaci, Marilena Manuscripta Biblica. (Bible As Notepad. Tracing Annotations And Annotation Practices In Late Antique And Medieval Biblical Manuscripts). Berlin.