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The Text of the Apostolos in Athanasius of Alexandria

TitleThe Text of the Apostolos in Athanasius of Alexandria
Publication TypeBook
Year of Publication2011
AuthorsDonker, GJ
Series TitleThe New Testament in the Greek Fathers
Series Volume8
Number of PagesXVIII, 372
CityLeiden ; Boston

From the publisher: This text-critical study of the Apostolos (all of the New Testament apart from the Gospels) of the fourth-century Greek father Athanasius of Alexandria has two aims in view: one analytical and one methodological. An initial review of Athanasius’s life and writings and a survey of the Alexandrian text-type precede an analysis of Athanasius’s text to determine its classification within the major New Testament text-types, and particularly its suspected Alexandrian character. The book also compares the results of methods traditionally used on the texts of the fathers with the use of an alternative and advanced method, multivariate analysis. Unlike quantitative and group profile analyses, multivariate analysis utilizes not just a single dimension but the full dimensionality of the source data.

Citation KeyDonker2011