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Author Title [ Type(Desc)] Year
Clugnet, Leon. 1900. Vie et récits de l'abbé Daniel de Scété (texte greque). Revue de l'Orient Chrétien. Vol. 5. (Revue De L'orient Chrétien). Paris.
Clugnet, Leon. 1901. Vie et récits de l'abbé Daniel le Scétiote (VIe siècle). Bibliothèque hagiographique orientale. Vol. 1. (Bibliothèque Hagiographique Orientale). Paris.
Thomas, Richard. 2001. Virgil and the Augustan Reception. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Florovsky, George. 1987. Ways of Russian Theology. The Collected Works of Georges Florovsky. Vol. 2. (The Collected Works Of Georges Florovsky). Belmont: Notable & Academic Book.
Florovsky, George. 1979. Ways of Russian Theology. The Collected Works of Georges Florovsky. Vol. 1. (The Collected Works Of Georges Florovsky). Belmont: Notable & Academic Book.
Mish, Frederick (ed.).. 1991. Webster's ninth new collegiate dictionary. (ed.)Frederick Mish. Springfield, MA: Merriam-Webster.
Vivian, Tim. 2008. Witness To Holiness: Abba Daniel Of Scetis. Kalamazoo: Cistercian Publications.
Melchinger, Siegfried. 2000. Zgodovina politi{\v c}nega gledali{\v s}{\v c}a. Knji{\v z}nica MGL. (Knji{\v Z}Nica Mgl). Ljubljana: Mestno gledali{\v s}{\v c}e ljubljansko.
Trans. M. Kranjc