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Giles, Howard & Philip Smith. 1979. Accommodation theory : Optimal levels of convergence. In , Language and Social Psychology, 45–65. (Language And Social Psychology). Oxford: Blackwell.
Boylan, P. 2009. Accommodation Theory Revisited Again. In , {Lingua e società. ({Lingua E Società). Rome: Franco Angeli.
Clark, E. V. 1986. The Acquisition of Romance, with Special Reference to French. In , The Crosslinguistic Study of Language Acquisition, vol. 1: The Data, 687–782. (The Crosslinguistic Study Of Language Acquisition). Hillsdale: Lawrence Erlbaum.
Lunt, Horace G. 1971. {"Addendum.} (Paleographic notes)". In , Psalterium Sinaiticum, 359–360. (Psalterium Sinaiticum). Skopje: Македонска академија на науките и уметностите.
Cheshire, Jenny. 1987. Age and Generation-Specific Use of Language. In , Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society, vol. 1. (Sociolinguistics: An International Handbook Of The Science Of Language And Society). Berlin: Walter de Gruyter.
Fant, Gunnar. 1968. Analysis and synthesis of speech processes. In , Manual of phonetics, 173–277. (Manual Of Phonetics). Amsterdam: ?
Beck, Hans-Georg. 1959. Anastasios Sinaita. In , Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantnischen Reich, 444-445. (Kirche Und Theologische Literatur Im Byzantnischen Reich).
Kazhdan, Alexander. 1991. Andrew of Crete. In , Oxford dictionary of Byzantium, vol. 1, 92-93. (Oxford Dictionary Of Byzantium).
Taylor, Archer, J Mandel & B Rosenberg. 1970. The Anecdote: A Neglected Genre. In , Medieval Literature and Folklore Studies, 223–228. (Medieval Literature And Folklore Studies). New Brunswick.
Oppenheim, F. 1948. Antifona. In , Enciclopedia catolica, vol. I. (Enciclopedia Catolica). Roma. ;
Войтенко, А. А, М. Р Двали, А. И Сидоров & Анатолий А Турилов. 2008. Apophtegmata patrum. In , Православная энциклопедия, vol. 3, 140-142. (Православная Энциклопедия). Москва: Церковно-научный центр "Православная энциклопедия".
Dondaine, Antoine. 1960. Apparat critique de l’édition d’un texte universitaire. In , Actes du premier congrès international de philosophie médiévale, Louvain – Bruxelles, 28 août – 4 septembre 1958, 211–220. (Actes Du Premier Congrès International De Philosophie Médiévale, Louvain – Bruxelles, 28 Août – 4 Septembre 1958). Louvain: Nauwelaetrs.
Artan, Tulay. 2000. Aspects of the Ottoman Elite’s Food Consumption: Looking for “Staples”, “Luxuries”, and “Delicacies” in a Changing Century.. In , Consumption Studies and the History of the Ottoman Empire 1550–1922, 107–200. (Consumption Studies And The History Of The Ottoman Empire 1550–1922). Albany, New York: SUNY Press.
Giles, Howard & Andrew C Billings. 2004. Assessing language attitudes : Speaker evaluation studies. In , The Handbook of Applied Linguistics, 187–209. (The Handbook Of Applied Linguistics). Oxford: Blackwell.
von Campenhausen, Hans. 2000. Athanasius . In , The Fathers of The Church, 69-83. (The Fathers Of The Church).
Lasagabaster, David. 2004. Attitude. In , Sociolinguistics. An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society, vol. 1, 399–405. 2nd ed. (Sociolinguistics. An International Handbook Of The Science Of Language And Society). Berlin ; New York: Walter de Gruyter.
Deprez, Kas & Yves Persoons. 1988. Attitude. In , Sociolinguistics : An International Handbook of the Science of Language and Society, vol. 1, 125–131. (Sociolinguistics : An International Handbook Of The Science Of Language And Society). Berlin ; New York: Walter de Gruyter.
La France, Betty H. 2008. Attitude functions. In , The International Encyclopedia of Communication, 238–240. (The International Encyclopedia Of Communication). Oxford: Blackwell.
Byrne, Donn. 1969. Attitudes and attraction. In , Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, vol. 4, 35–89. (Advances In Experimental Social Psychology). New York: Academic Press.
Swimm, Janet & Bernadette Campbell. 2003. Attitudes, Beliefs and Behaviors. In , Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology : Intergroup Processes, 218 – 238. (Blackwell Handbook Of Social Psychology : Intergroup Processes). Oxford: Blackwell.
Olson, James & Gregory Maio. 2003. Attitudes in social behavior. In , Handbook of Psychology, vol. Vol. 5. Personality and Social Psychology, 299–325. (Handbook Of Psychology). New York: Wiley.
Cooper, Joel, Kimberly A Kelly & Kimberlee Weaver. 2004. Attitudes, norms and social groups. In , Social Cognition, 244–267. (Social Cognition). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Bohner, Gerd & Norbert Schwarz. 2001. Attitudes, Persuasion, and Behavior. In , Blackwell Handbook of Social Psychology : Intraindividual Processes, 413–435. (Blackwell Handbook Of Social Psychology : Intraindividual Processes). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Bell, Allan. 1991. Audience accommodation in the mass media. In , The Contexts of Accommodation: Developments in Applied Sociolinguistics, 69–102. (The Contexts Of Accommodation: Developments In Applied Sociolinguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Heidegger, Martin. 1983. Aus der Erfahrung des Denkens. In , Gesamtausgabe, vol. Bd. 13, 111, 247. (Gesamtausgabe). Frankfurt am Main: Vittorio Klostermann.
Бележка на Хайдегер, предоставена на списанието за образование и възпитание »Welt der Schule«, и публикувана във факсимиле в год. 7, бр. 11 (изд. Ehrenwirth и R.Oldenbourg, Мюнхен).