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Akkusativ des Inhalts, Stabreim и привидно сходната българска кореннословна итерация

TitleAkkusativ des Inhalts, Stabreim и привидно сходната българска кореннословна итерация
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1995
AuthorsМечкова-Атанасова, З
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics

There are multiple functional differences between the German Akkusativ des Inhalts (einen gerechten Kampf kämpfen), the Stabreim and the Bulgarian „verbal word-group“ with a direct object of the same grammatical root (своя гален блян бленува), the last being only a partial case of a wide-spread linguistic phenomenon. The quoted Bulgarian word-groups with numerous variants can be related to the Old German rhyming with the same initial consonants of the following words

Citation KeyМечкова-Атанасова1995