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Българският конклузив и функционалните му еквиваленти в белоруския език

TitleБългарският конклузив и функционалните му еквиваленти в белоруския език
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1987
AuthorsКуцаров, И
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics

The functional-semantic field of the conclusive (inferential) modality is analysed across Bulgarian and Byelorussian. The source language is Bulgarian in which this modality is grammaticized. It is expressed by the forms of the inferential mood (Modus Conclusivus). The author renders the full paradigm of the Conclusive as well as some non-grammatical means functioning at the periphery of the field. The most common Byelorussian inferential modificators are also given and their use is exemplified.

Citation KeyКуцаров1987