Title | Отново за аналогиите в историческото развитие на бъдещето време (върху материал от староиспанския, старопортугалския и старобългарския език) |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1986 |
Authors | Китова, М |
Journal | Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics |
Volume | 11 |
Pagination | 5–17 |
Abstract | From a diachronic perspective, the paper discusses some parallels in the origin and development of the forms expressing future actions related to a point of orientation in the present and in the past in two Romance and one Slavic languages: Old Spanish, Old Portuguese and Old Bulgarian. There is a predominating view in Bulgarian linguistics that the development of future tense structures belongs to the Balkan Sprachbund phenomena. However, the analogies in the historical development of the Future Tense forms, parallel in the three languages belonging to two different groups of the Indo-European family seem to suggest that the development of the Future is a phenomenon with very deep roots. The present study not only aims at revealing the typological similarities and differences existing within the subsystem of grammatical means used to express subsequent action in the three languages but also tries to draw some conclusions valid for the development of the Future as a category in the Indo-European languages in general. |
Citation Key | Китова1986 |