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La proposition nominale assertive en bulgare, fran{\c c}ais et russe

TitleLa proposition nominale assertive en bulgare, fran{\c c}ais et russe
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1982
AuthorsBoyadjiev, J
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
KeywordsContrastive Studies; съпоставителни изследвания

Nominal sentences are a universal linguistic category. The communicative nominal sentences may be classified according to the following criteria: a) structure (unexpanded and expanded sentences); b) semantics (representing descriptions of nature, the time of the action and its setting, the physical appearance and spiritual make-up of the characters); c) role in the text (introductive and conclusive). The skilful alternation between nominal and verbal sentences and nominal stanzas is an interesting stylistic device. Some authors (M. Cohen, T. Vianu) associate the more frequent use of nominal sentences with the spread of a specific literary tendency (Romanticism) and of a definite style (modern-impressionistic).

Citation KeyBoyadjiev1982