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Една структурно-граматична успоредица в българския и румънския език {(тип нов-новеничък, nou-nou{\c t})}

TitleЕдна структурно-граматична успоредица в българския и румънския език {(тип нов-новеничък, nou-nou{\c t})}
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1979
AuthorsМладенова, О
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics

Bulgarian constructions of the нов-новеничък type, meaning an absolute superlative, and their Rumanian parallels are considered. The constructions are analysed from a semantic and structural point of view. The examples excerpted from fiction illustrate the colloquial character of the construction, as well as its positive and emotive meanings. Some suggestions about the archaic nature of the constructions in both languages are made, too.

Citation KeyМладенова1979