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Vassileva, Albena. 1989. Notes sur l’interjection en fran{\c c}ais et en bulgare. Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics 14. (Съпоставително Езикознание / Сопоставительное Языкознание / Contrastive Linguistics). 77–82.
Rigo, A. 1991. Niceforo l’esicasta (XIII sec.): alcune considerazioni sulla vita e sull’opera. In , Amore del bello: Studi sulla Filocalia. Atti del "Simposio Internazionale sulla Filocalia", Pontificio Collegio Greco, Roma, novembre 1989, 79-119. (Amore Del Bello: Studi Sulla Filocalia. Atti Del "simposio Internazionale Sulla Filocalia", Pontificio Collegio Greco, Roma, Novembre 1989). Magnano.
Hecht, Marvin A & Nalini Ambady. 1999. Nonverbal Communication and Psychology: Past and Future. The New Jersey Journal of Communication 7. (The New Jersey Journal Of Communication). 1–12.
LaFrance, Marriane. 2000. Nonverbal Communication. In , Encyclopedia of Psychology, vol. 5, 463–466. (Encyclopedia Of Psychology). Washington ; New York: American Psychological AssociatSage; Oxford University Press.
Poyatos, Fernando. 2002. Nonverbal Communication across Disciplines. . Vol. II: Paralanguage, Kinesics, Silence, Personal and Environmental Interaction. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
Conca, Fabrizio (ed.).. 2008. Novelle bizantine: il libro di Syntipas. (ed.)Fabrizio Conca. Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli. Classici greci e latini. 2nd ed. (Biblioteca Universale Rizzoli. Classici Greci E Latini). Milano: BUR.
Alexander, Ronelle & Vladimir Zhobov. 2009. New Conclusions on the Conclusive. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 61–86.
Sakel, Dean. 2010. A Non-Existent Byzantine-Style Historian in a New Encyclopaedia of Ottoman Historians. Revue des études byzantines 68(1). (Revue Des Études Byzantines). 209-217.
Hall, Judith A. 2010. Nonverbal behavior in social psychology research: The good, the bad, and the ugly. In , Then A Miracle Occurs: Focusing on Behavior in Social Psychological Theory and Research, 412–437. (Then A Miracle Occurs: Focusing On Behavior In Social Psychological Theory And Research,). New York: Oxford University Press.
Shrager, Miriam. 2012. Neutralization of Word-Final Voicing in Russian. Journal of Slavic linguistics. (Journal Of Slavic Linguistics). 71–99.
Балтова, Юлия. 2012. Nomina agentis – значение и функция в текста. Българска реч 12. (Българска Реч). 18–22.
Patterson, Miles. 2012. Nonverbal communication. In , Encyclopedia of Human Behavior, vol. 2, 731–738. 2nd ed. (Encyclopedia Of Human Behavior). San Diego, CA: Elsevier.
Atanassova, Diana. 2013. Narrating Exorcism and Performing Prayers (Aspects of Performativity of Some Early Martyria Spread in South Slavic Milieu). In , Светци и свети места на Балканите. Материали от международната конференция, София, 14-16 юни 2012 г., vol. 1, 362-376. Старобългарска литература. (Светци И Свети Места На Балканите. Материали От Международната Конференция, София, 14-16 Юни 2012 Г.). София.
Dimitrova, Margaret. 2013. New Testament Quotations in a Medieval Slavonic Manuscript with Commentaries on the Song of Songs. In , Between Text and Text. The Hermeneutics of Intertextuality in Ancient Cultures and Their Afterlife in Medieval and Modern Times, 203–215. (Between Text And Text. The Hermeneutics Of Intertextuality In Ancient Cultures And Their Afterlife In Medieval And Modern Times). Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht.
Camacho, José A. 2013. Null Subjects. Cambridge studies in linguistics. (Cambridge Studies In Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Introduction -- The null subject parameter: introduction -- The core content of the null subject parameter -- The nature of the extended projection principle and the null subject parameter -- Identification and morphology -- Discourse identification -- Null/overt subject contrasts -- The status of preverbal subjects in null subject languages -- Parametrization, learnability and acquisition.