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Die Wortbildungsadaptierung der Germanismen in den slavischen Sprachen

TitleDie Wortbildungsadaptierung der Germanismen in den slavischen Sprachen
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication1989
AuthorsBieder, H
JournalСъпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics
KeywordsLanguage Contacts; Езикови контакти

The term ‘word-formation adaptation’ covers all processes of formal and functional inclusion of borrowings into the derivational system of the invaded language through derivational affixes. In the Slavic languages German lexical borrowings fall under the influence of adaptation processes: suffixation, morphemic substitution, morphemic correlation, adsuffixation and suffixal attraction.

Citation KeyBieder1989