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Филтри: Ключова дума is Food History  [Отмени всички филтри]
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Samanci, Ozge, авт . 2011. Pilaf and Bouchees: The Modernization of Official Banquets at the Ottoman Palace in the Nineteenth Century. В , Royal Taste. Food, Power and Status in European Courts after 1789, 111–143. (Royal Taste. Food, Power And Status In European Courts After 1789). Ashgate: Aldershot.
Capatti, Alberto & Massimo Montanari, авт-ри . 2003. Italian Cuisine: a Cultural History. ARTS AND TRADITIONS OF THE TABLE: PERSPECTIVES ON CULINARY HISTORY. (Arts And Traditions Of The Table: Perspectives On Culinary History). New York: Columbia University Press.
Spary, Emma, авт . 2012. Eating the Englightenment. Food and the Science of Paris. Chicago, London: The University of Chicago Press.
Cozzi, Annette, авт . 2010. The Discourses of Food in Nineteenth Century British Fiction. Nineteenth-Century Major Lives and Letters. (Nineteenth-Century Major Lives And Letters). New York: Palgrave MacMillan.