Title | Изучение комплексных единиц словообразовательной системы русского языка в славянской аудитории |
Publication Type | Journal Article |
Year of Publication | 1991 |
Authors | Васильева, Т |
Journal | Съпоставително езикознание / Сопоставительное языкознание / Contrastive linguistics |
Volume | 16 |
Pagination | 24–28 |
Keywords | Language Contacts; Езикови контакти |
Abstract | The article discusses the basic problems of the characteristics of studying Russian word-for- mation by speakers of closely related languages – Bulgarian, Serbo-Croatian, Czech, Slovak and Polish. Criteria are defined for the choice of the word-formation material for practical les- sons; typical difficulties in the process of acquisition of complex units of the word-formation system of Russian by the foreign learners are outlined. Concrete methodological recommenda- tions are offered for the use of a given didactic material in the practice of teaching Russian as a |
Citation Key | Васильева1991 |